Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Stop Playing in Fear!

Do you play in fear? Are you afaid of making mistakes, getting yelled at, missing a shot? Playing in fear is something a lot of athletes do but most will not admit it but they can't hid it during the game. You are never going to play a perfect game...ever! Michael Jordan will tell you that! There is no such thing as a perfect game. I try to not be one of those coaches that players fear. I have watched some coaches put that fear in their players and you can tell by the way they play. I'm honest with my players so they know what to expect...that being said they only thing they have to fear is if they continue to keep making the same mistakes over...and over...and over.

If you know you are doing your best, work hard in the off-season, putting in the extra time when you have the opportunities then why play in fear? Any reasonable coach can tell if you are doing all those things. If you're not and you're capable of so much more...then I can see that being an issue in your career. Let it go! If you love the game then work at it non-stop until you limit your mistakes...then learn from those mistakes and you will see a change in your performance.

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